Timeslips recently announced policy changes relating to the Perpetual version. In case you are confused by their email, I’ve attempted to explain the important points below.
Effective August 1, 2019 Timeslips direct sales will only sell the annual subscription (Premium) product. You may purchase through a Timeslips Solution Provider/Consultant through September 2020, but I encourage you to order through Borek Consulting Group before September 30, 2019 to receive my best pricing. Upgrading now will serve you well for the next few years by delaying the annual subscription price, which will be roughly equal to whatever you pay now for perpetual licenses.
If you are currently using a version of Timeslips 2018 or earlier, please consider reviewing your options and budget for future upgrades within the next month or two.
Your next step:
Current Timeslips 2018 and earlier users: These products are already discontinued by the manufacturer. Windows technology changes monthly and Windows 7 will be obsolete at the end of this year. It is risky to continue using older software with newer operating systems. A technology upgrade will be required in your future. Be proactive now: take advantage of the last opportunity to own the software and, in the process, delay moving to annual subscription pricing.
Current Timeslips 2019 users: You could go either way. There isn’t a lot of difference between versions 2019 and 2020 but having the most up-to-date version now will delay moving to annual subscription pricing by least one more year. Consider upgrading to the 2020 version and purchasing additional licenses prior to the end of March 31, 2020.
Current Timeslips 2020 users: The final service patch to Timeslips 2020 will be released in October 2019, and there will be no new features, enhancements or upgrades delivered for Timeslips 2020 afterwards. Install the October service release and you are done. You are already on the final Perpetual (non-subscription) product. Your next upgrade will be to the Premium (annual subscription) version in a few years. Purchase additional licenses prior to August 31, 2020.
To request a Timeslips upgrade quote for your firm, please call Borek Consulting at 954-963-7621. Let us know your current Timeslips version (year) and the number of computers currently using Timeslips. You can easily find this information by selecting Help/About Sage Timeslips from your Timeslips menu.